When your loved one begins to need additional care, it’s tempting to try to save money by providing the care yourself or by hiring a company to provide in-home services. It only makes sense that most people think staying at home for as long as possible is better, both financially and emotionally, than moving into an assisted living community. However, this is often not the case and doesn’t provided needed care or save money in the end.
When you compare the actual costs of in-home care for your loved one versus Calyx Living, you might be surprised. Use the worksheet below to compare monthly expenses, adding or subtracting categories based on your specific situation:
When you add it all up, you might find that the cost difference is much less than you thought. Now consider the additional benefit of 24-hour care in a warm, social environment, with far less day-to-day stress on family members both giving and receiving care.
We know this is a big decision for your family and we hope this comparison helps. The experienced team at Calyx can help with any questions you have about assisted living options.